
(May 2003 - March 2007.) Tama's thoughts on the blogosphere, podcasting, popular culture, digital media and citizen journalism posted from a laptop computer somewhere in Perth's isolated, miniature, urban jungle ...

Sunday, December 21, 2003
DVD, Fandom and the Future of Media

Ever wondered why fans aren't making their own commentaries about their favourite films and DVDs? Well, perhaps that's because they are. With the recent release of the fan-acclaimed but Fox-cancelled (and never screened in Australia at all) Joss Whedon Firefly series, the consumer voting via DVD box sets has producers paying attention. Of equal interest for the present, and perhaps an important nod to the future, the New York Times reports on an alternative two-disc commentary, documentary and analysis by a Firefly fan (cleverly kept within the bounds of legality; details here). Fans have always been producing alternative stories (fan fic), songs (filk), magazines (fanzines) and more recently music video clips (vids) and now the full fan DVDs are emerging. Small-scale media production (and media interaction) is looking very, very exciting ...


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