
(May 2003 - March 2007.) Tama's thoughts on the blogosphere, podcasting, popular culture, digital media and citizen journalism posted from a laptop computer somewhere in Perth's isolated, miniature, urban jungle ...

Tuesday, January 06, 2004
The New Online Superstar ... Mars!

As NASA's Spirt Rover starts to explore the Red Planet (no longer the 'Dead Planet' in terms of dead space probes), Mars is quickly establishing itself as the hottest online superstar of 2004. Australian IT reports that NASA servers are serving the first 3D images of Mars to millions of people every hour:
By yesterday, the tally was 250 million-plus, as NASA employed 1300 servers to cope with demand and the number of hits approached the 150 million daily average of the ubiquitous Google search engine.
I've got to admit, exploring Mars is so much more fun than writing the chatper I'm supposed to be working on. In case you've not yet been corrupted, click here to see what all the fuss is about! (And get yourself some 3D glasses!)

Oh, and since I forgot to mention Emma Tom's amusing IT sum-up of 2003 (all spam and Google-whacking), why not take a quick read here. Ciao4now.


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