
(May 2003 - March 2007.) Tama's thoughts on the blogosphere, podcasting, popular culture, digital media and citizen journalism posted from a laptop computer somewhere in Perth's isolated, miniature, urban jungle ...

Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Swancon & The Perth Blogosphere

Swancon, Perth's SF convention, was held over the Easter weekend and on Sunday I was part of a panel about Weblogs with Adrian Bedford, Erika Pearson, Elaine Kemp and Simon Oxwell. It was quite an interesting discussion, with much said about the difference between blogs run using Blogger and those using a LiveJournal architecture. I have to admit, I'm a lot more Blogger-centric than I had realised; I have been rather ignorant of how many Perth-based LJs there are! The main difference that the panel found/reinforced is that Blogger blogs tend to be more article based or issue based or filters, while LiveJournals are far more socialable. Also, having checked out Erika & Elaine's LJs (and already regularly reading Cathy's) I've come to the conclusion that just about everyone in Perth fandom has a LJ (the vast majority) or a Blogger blog (perhaps for those who prefer the soapbox!). ChesireNoir also contributed a lot to the panel and is in fact organising the next Perth SF convention Wasteland using a blog! I remember a couple of years ago Helen Merrick gave a paper at a Con titled something like "How Fans Invented the Internet" which argued that the fannish networks for distributing mail, fanzines, tapes and other info in the pre-WWW era basically set the social parameters for how social networks would emerge online. Having a look at the Blogosphere as it emerges from Perth, I'd have to say Helen was definitely on to something!


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